Extended Teams.

Empower your team, multiply your results. Perfectly integrated external talent.

Technological expansion


In today’s competitive environment, company departments dedicated to software development and maintenance often need to increase their analysis, development, or testing capacity to meet growing demand and stay at the forefront of innovation.

Our Extended Teams service is designed to provide a dedicated team of functional analysts, developers, or testers who work exclusively on your projects, operating as an extension of your internal teams.

Working as a direct extension of your internal teams, our highly qualified professionals bring their technical knowledge and methodological framework while integrating seamlessly into your work environment, sharing your vision and commitment to project success.

This modality is ideal for long-term commitments, allowing companies to build and maintain a consistent team over time, with its own technical and methodological mastery, ensuring continuous alignment with your business objectives.

Your competitive advantage

Your team, our commitment.

Our approach to creating Extended Teams is based on close and continuous collaboration, ensuring efficient and productive integration with your internal team.



Needs Assessment

We work with you to understand your long-term goals and the skills required for your projects. We analyze your business’s specific needs and define the ideal profile for team members.



Methodological Framework

We generate value from the start of the service with our methodological approach that provides processes and tools that ensure project success.


and Onboarding

Integration and Onboarding

We facilitate an integration and onboarding process that ensures new team members quickly adapt to your processes and tools. We organize training and orientation sessions to align new members with your objectives.


and Collaboration

Management and Collaboration

We establish a shared management structure, where the extended team can have its own team leader or project manager, always aligned with your overall objectives. We maintain fluid communication using advanced project management and collaboration tools.



Continuous Improvement

We conduct periodic reviews and feedback sessions to ensure the extended team continues to meet your expectations and objectives. We adapt our strategies as necessary to continuously improve team performance.

Superior results

Benefits of extended IT teams.

  • Increase your teams' capacity without the costs and time associated with internal hiring.
  • Long-term consistency, facilitating the accumulation of project-specific knowledge and experience.
  • Flexibility to scale the team according to project demands, responding agilely to changing needs.
  • Smooth integration with your internal team, ensuring continuous alignment with your objectives and methodologies.
  • Access to teams covering a wide range of skills, such as analysts, developers, testers, and designers.


What's the difference between an extended team and an augmented team?

An extended team provides long-term work capacity with a broader range of skills, operating semi-independently, bringing management, methodology, and tools aligned with client objectives. In contrast, an augmented team focuses on filling specific skill gaps for short-term needs, working under the client’s management and methodology.

How does the extended team integrate with our internal team?

We facilitate an integration and onboarding process ensuring that the extended team adapts quickly and collaborates efficiently with your internal team. 

What type of management is applied to extended teams?

The management of extended teams is shared, with the possibility of having their own team leader or service manager who aligns with your objectives and strategies. We use advanced project management and collaboration tools to maintain fluid communication and efficient management.

What types of projects are ideal for extended teams?

Extended teams are ideal when there are needs to simultaneously tackle the development of various projects or when your teams are not sufficient to carry these forward. They are also usually useful when you need to incorporate a practice (for example, testing or DevSecOps) in which you have no experience in the organization, being able to quickly incorporate processes, tools, and methodologies through the extended team.

What benefits can I expect from a long-term extended team?

A long-term extended team provides consistency in project development, accumulation of project-specific knowledge, and flexible and scalable development capacity. This improves efficiency, development quality, and continuous alignment with your company’s objectives. 

Ready to transform your business?

Take the first step towards digital transformation. Contact us and let’s explore how we can elevate your business.
